Research project: Decent work in the content creator industry
Decent work is part of the UN’s sustainable development goals. In our research project, we want to better understand what decent work means in the global content creator industry, and possibly, how to facilitate decent working conditions in the content creator or influencer industry.
Content creation is a rather new and rapidly evolving business and content creation comes in different shapes and forms. Not just since the pandemic, a growing number of brands is relying on content creators to create interesting, intriguing and convincing content to market their products to consumers. The fast-growing nature of the social media content creation business and the dynamics within the ever-evolving ecosystem of brands, content creators, agencies and others are little understood by researchers and participants alike. Hence, we are keen on understanding what decent work means for creators that create content for brands and corporations across the globe, how brands understand their role and relations with content creators, and what may help or hinder to establish decent working conditions in the social media or influencer industry.
This research project is conducted in collaboration between researchers from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and the University of Bath. It is led by Hannah (Trittin-Ulbrich) and Sarah (Glozer), two researchers passionate about topics such as corporate social responsibility and business ethics. We are expertly supported by our research assistants Lena and Mira.

What are we looking for?
We are interested in hearing your voice! We want to gain a better understanding of what it means to be a content creator, facing a rapidly evolving influencer branding industry, as well as a global platform industry. Likewise, we are keen on getting a better understanding of the brand perspective on influencer marketing: What makes influencer marketing successful? How do you manage influencer relations? What challenges do you encounter when working with influencers?
Are you a content creator?
Are you a brand, working with content creators?
Then, we would like to talk to you! Our interviews last approximately 45-60 minutes and can take place at a time that is convenient for you!
Research integrity
We keep all interviewees, and any identifying details, anonymous as a default. We will always ask for your permission to audio record the interview to help us remember the details and also provide you with a GDPR-conform consent form that will provide more details on how we use the data we collect in this project!
Our project is still ongoing. Once we have the first initial insights, we are happy to share the results of our research with all participants of the study!
Get in touch with us
Dr Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich:
Email: hannah.trittin (at)
Twitter: @HaTrittin
Dr Sarah Glozer:
Email: sag62 (at)
Twitter: @Sarah_CSR