Course update, October 2021

Hi there!

This course is still alive and thriving. This semester, it will be taught at Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany). Again, I (Hannah) will be teaching to an interdisciplinary group of students the course in the master-level complementary studies (Komplementär), in the module “Connecting science, responsibility, and society”!

For the upcoming semester, the course has received some additional material on three aspects of datafication from three outstanding contributors. Ursula Plesner contributes a lecture on datafication in the public sector, Maximilian Heimstädt lectures about accountability and datafication, and Gazi Islam reflects on the ethics of quantification, a phenomenon closely associated with datafication! We thank all contributors for their valuable contributions!

We also added new animated videos, to illustrate two additional core concepts of the course: platformization as well as algorithmic governance.

Based on the student feedback from the previous year, the course material was also slightly rearranged. It now follows the following logic: The first lectures establish a broad foundation to datafication. The next lectures focus on datafication in organizations, while the following lectures focus more on the societal implications of datafication, and the final lectures address ethical and sustainability related concerns.

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