Class 1: Introduction to this course and to datafication

Provided by Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich, Leuphana University Lüneburg &
Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Copenhagen Business School

Major Topics: What is datafication? Why should organizations pay interest in datafication as more than a technical question? What practices lend themselves to quantification?



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Core readings

Mejias, U. A., & Couldry, N. (2019). “Datafication”. Internet Policy Review 8 (4). DOI: 10.14763/2019.4.1428. Datafication.

Southerton, C. (2020) Datafication. In: Schintler, L., & McNeely, C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Big Data. Springer, Cham.

Post-lecture assignment

Go to the webpage, which offers a free, instant privacy-inspection tool. For more information on the tool and its features, read this article. Submit a number of webpages that you use regularly for communicating, shopping or getting information online. Document the results and reflect on the experience: What do you see? Do you find the results surprising, unsettling, or insightful? If yes, why? If no, why? What does this tell you about datafication? Note down your impressions in about 500 words.